Today, there is a debate over OST and PST.
Lots of Outlook users have chosen PST. There are multiple reasons that have
made PST a popular choice.
PST is one of the most common file formats
of Outlook that has now been updated. The capacity of the file format has been
increased, now the limit of the format is 20 GB which is sufficient to create a
big file and avoid corruption issue that is often faced with PST supporting
ANSI format. It triggers users to convert OST to PST.
To avoid file corruption issues with OST,
users like to change from OST to PST. OST file corruption is a common
occurrence for regular Outlook users. Sometimes OST file get orphaned due to
synchronization issues with the Exchange Server mailbox. It may happen due to
shifting of the mailbox to some other place. OST files cannot be accessed
because they are MAPI specific. There are no manual ways to convert OST intoPST.
Third tool option is considered. OST File
Exporter is one of the most specific conversion programs to consider for smooth
and seemly migration.